2024-2025 Quiz Season

Posted June 25, 2024 by Scott

We're still a few months away from the start of the 2024-2025 Quiz Season, but we are excited to see new quizzers and veterans join us as we study the Gospel of Luke!

Our Quizzing Kick-Off will take place on Saturday, August 10 at the Valparaiso Nazarene Church. This is a great opportunity for students who are curious about quizzing to get a feel for how quizzing works. I want to encourage current coaches and youth pastors to reach out to your students and see who might be interested. If you're at a church that doesn't have a quiz team, you can reach out to Brad Osborne (bradleyosborne2353@msn.com) or Scott Hughes (scotth@valponaz.org) for more information on how you can start a team.

At the Quizzing Kick-Off, we will teach new quizzers the basics of quizzing. Returning quizzers will have a chance to improve their quizzing skills. Everyone will have a chance to do some jumping as we quiz over Luke 1. Every quizzer who signs up will receive a Scripture portion that they can use for studying. Check back for more information about start and end times, as well as lunch details. Registration for the Quizzing Kick-Off is now open on the Registration Page.

We look forward to seeing you in August!


All start times will be 9:00 am local time.


2024 Quiz Kickoff Schedule
Time Activity
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome / schedule for day
9:10 Group get to know you game
9:30 Study Strategies (experienced/rookies)
10:00 Game show based game
10:30 Strategies for memory verses
11:00 Lunch
12:00 Captaining or In Game Strategy
12:30 King of the Hill
1:10 Physical Game
1:20 Three Quiz rounds (mixed trivia & Luke)
2:00 Face Off elimination game
2:20 Closing
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2022-23 Quiz Year - ACTS

Posted August 13, 2022 by Christina

We are excited to get under way with our new quiz year as we begin to study the book of Acts. We have new quizzers as well as old joining us this year - welcome Valpo!! Let's dig in the the Word and spend some time together. It's gonna be awesome!!

Please note: Teams and Individual students are welcome to join in anytime during the year. If you want info, contact Christina at swtcinnamon@gmail.com

See you at Kickoff!

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